giovedì 12 settembre 2013


ON: Sunday 15 September 2013   AT: 18:00

VENUE: “40 gradi all’ombra”, Lungomare G. Rossini, 00054 Focene Nord,

tel 06-6588061/349-4498687/338-6182724 (









Catch up with friends, dance and relax with good food and a cool drink in your hand at this fabulous beach location with music from:

The  Silver  Lizards

ENTRANCE : FREE. You are invited to make a donation to help buy food for orphans in Maseno, Western Kenya. A buffet, fixed-price dinner and drinks will be sold by “40 gradi all’ombra” which will be kindly making a donation to the charity. Our target is to buy at least 10,000 meals of beans and rice. The feeding program often provides the only nutritious weekly meal they eat.


EVERYONE WELCOME! please share this invitation with your family, friends and colleagues.  Funds raised go directly to the Maseno Orphan Feeding Project through The Christian Codrai Foundation ONLUS set up in memory of Christian Codrai, General Counsel of IFAD and which aims to help people in need in various developing countries through small projects managed by local associations.


Directions: From Rome leave the Autostrada at the Ostia-Fiumicino exit shortly before the airport terminal. At the second roundabout take the 2nd exit for Fiumicino Nord. Take Via Coccia di Morto which runs parallel to the coast and the runway (NB 70 km/h - watch out for the speed cameras), at the end take the viale Acque Basse on the left which leads to Viale di Focene. Turn right and follow the signs for “40 gradi all ombra”

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